Here we go ’round in circles.

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Hello again.  Remember that nasty cold that prevented pictures a month ago?  Well it was nastier than a cold and I am finally over a serious bout with bronchitis.  So many weeds got ahead of me in the last month I may never recover.  Oh well, you do what you can.

Today,in the very early (read cool) morning, I worked circles around the blueberries.  We mowed yesterday and the mower and mulch were not a good combination.  As we never use herbicides to manage weeds and grass, I took a small mattock and dug out a border around 11 blueberry bushes.  There are 12 more to be done, but only these twelve were about to get bird netting.  Spinning in circles required a straightening out activity so I went about a fourth of the way around the rhubarb bed (long and straight) digging a similar border (see before and after photos).  The rhubarb has a learning curve.  We’ve never raised it before and apparently it wants a lot of nutrients in order to produce thick, healthy stalks.    We’re working on that and hopefully next year we’ll have a nice offering.  If you remember, someone gave us our starts for rhubarb.  About half of those starts did not make it through their first winter.  Pat Bush, Handance Farm, had more and we planted those yesterday.

Up and growing are our zephyr squash which we should have as soon as next week, our highly sought after haricot verte and roma beans, yukon gold and fingerling potatoes, and lots of heirloom tomatoes.  Today we planted our okra and it will get watered this afternoon.  Our herbs are looking very good and we continue to add to and beautify that garden.

Tomorrow, at Greensboro Farmers Curb Market, we will have the first of a “growing” number of herb vinegars.  Garlic and rosemary infused vinegar makes a delicious viniagrette.  This is a test of the market.  We only have six bottles at $5.00 each.  We have several other infusions in the making.  Look forward to white balsamic vinegar with basil and garlic chives, tarragon, and chive blossoms in rice vinegar.  Later on there should also be some dill vinegar.  As the season goes on we will offer some fruit vinegars.  We are particularly excited about wild blackberry vinegar and have had a request for a blackberry mint.  If there is something you would like us to make please let us know.  We are starting with small bottles, but plan to add other sizes if there is an initial interest in these vinegars.

Also for sale tomorrow will be heritage breed eggs, baby kale, arugula, gourmet lettuce mix, spicy radishes, and asparagus.  Drop by and pick up some of our delicious offerings.  Remember – limited quantity but unlimited quality.

So long for now, Carol.


Up and at’em

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Good Friday morning.  Let me begin with a thank you.  Many of you bought our eggs last week and we really appreciate that.  Hope they lived up to their billing.

It has been an eventful week, as usual.  Our asparagus is a couple of weeks early this year and we’ve started regular deliveries to the Green Valley Grill.  We have learned to manage our asparagus without dangerous herbicides.  We put salt on the row, before the asparagus appears, to manage weeds in the row.  We will be mowing the middles with a new push mower that bags the grass and weeds we cut.  The chickens love the bagger contents.  We have set a hen.  We have some Buff Orpingtons and they are a very broody breed.  We put a dozen Buckeye eggs under one this week and look for little peepers around the 17th of April.  One egg is already gone.  Hens often roll out and break or consume eggs they deem unfit.  Hopefully, she made a wise decision.  As you can see asparagus isn’t the only early thing around here.  Figs are popping out on our four bushes so maybe we will have some on the table this summer.  Our blueberries are full of blooms and next week we are going to construct permanent bird-proofing.  I’ll take photos along and share that project next week. We added tarragon to our herb garden this week.  I foresee a great vinegar.  A little spring cleaning found lots of empty pots to be filled with some flowers and I’ll be shopping for those at the market tomorrow.  It is a great place to purchase lots of lovely flower, herb, and veggie starts and many vendors have them available right now.

Our sustainability efforts went well this week.  I forgot to snap a picture of our new chicken shell-ter.  We took an old camper shell out into the big buckeye run.  It provides shade, shelter from rain, and a great getaway from a possible hawk.  I’ll stick a photo on facebook later today.

At the market in the morning we will be cooking some of our awesome onions.  Drop by to get a little sample of spring.  We will also have fresh cut french thyme and lemon balm.  A little freshly brewed lemon balm tea sounds good to me.  Of course, we have eggs, but setting a hen and enjoying them at home cut our offering down a little this week.

Off to harvest and mow.  See you tomorrow!